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AppsForKids.org was established to help parents, caregivers, and teachers discover high quality educational content for kids.  AppsforKids.org will use our website, reviews, contests and overall external marketing to help identify, recognize and promote high-quality kids digital media.
With the millions of apps in the marketplace, spread out over a myriad

of platforms, formats, and frameworks, the challenge of discoverability has peaked.

We invite you to browse around AppsForKids.org and explore our app reviewsapp rankings, our recent press and/or take one of our surveys.

If you are an app developer or app publisher, please consider having your app(s) reviewed or enter our Winter AppsforKids.org contest.

If there are other topics or ideas that you would like to suggest to us or have general feedback or questions, please send them to contact@appsforkids.org or use our contact form.

And… don’t forget to stay connected with us on other platforms below.

Thanks for visiting!