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App Review: Piiig Labs: Science Experiments for Kids
Piiig Labs is a digital playground for your child to explore science concepts in an old fashioned way, by putting together mini projects and learning through interaction and sometimes trial and error. By being “hands on” in the building process, kids get an inside look at how things work!
In this beautifully designed colorful app, your child get to customize a bird house for a cute fluffy song bird. After choosing the tree, tree-house style, pattern/texture, your kids get to do a custom decorating job with paints and other unique decor. And for the finale, your happy bird moves into his new home!
The Land of Venn is under attack, and in this game you are their only hope!!!! You are the only one who can save the Land of Venn from utter destruction by the hands of the evil wizard Apeirogon who lives atop the Dark Square Root. Using geometric defenses (straight lines, open shapes, triangles, etc.) you can destroy the Bookenriders and defeat Aperigon.
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