Crocs With Bum Bags

Do you like Crocs, the colorful foam shoes with holes in them? Then get ready for this! Crocs teamed up with the Japanese company, Beams, to create purple and green shoes, with tiny bum bags on the back! The zippered pouches can hold your keys and money, and any tiny treasures you might find.


Ditch the Wires

Spending time in a hospital is never fun, but a new device can make it a little less annoying. Instead of being hooked up to a bunch of wires, to monitor your breathing and heart rates, your vital signs can be recorded by radar waves! The wireless monitors will be a welcome improvement.


HEEE-Haw, It’s Donkey Day

Today is World Donkey Day. Male donkeys are called jacks, and a female is called a jenny. Wild donkeys are only found in North America, although domesticated donkeys live worldwide. Donkeys can hear other donkeys 60 miles away, with their long ears. They can remember donkeys they’ve met, and places they’ve visited, 25 years later!


Big Box of Noodles

The world’s largest tasting event of instant noodles, took place in Japan over the weekend. A giant box of Maruka yakisoba noodles was served to 579 people. The noodles weighed 352 pounds, and were cooked in just minutes, by pouring 480 liters of hot water into the huge metal box! The noodles had 780,000 calories!


The Batteries Were Fine

A mystery in North Olmstead Ohio has finally been solved. Since the end of April, some people were having problems with their garage door openers, and electronic car keys. Sometimes, they just wouldn’t work! It turned out, someone’s homemade electronic gadget, made to alert him to visitors, was interfering with all his neighbors’ devices!


Royal Baby Arrives

There’s a new Royal baby in England. Duchess Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are proud parents of a little boy, whose name is still a secret. He is the Queen’s eighth great-grandchild, and the first to be born with dual American-British citizenship. They are all healthy and happy!


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