Panels of Clean Air

The Arborea company is working with Imperial College London, to try their BioSolar Leaf cultivation system. The technology uses tiny plants, like microalgae and phytoplankton, to clean the air. Placed on rooftops, similar to solar panels, the masses of plants purify as much air as 100 trees! They can also be harvested for food additives. Amazing!


Make a Bunch of Wishes

Look up in the sky this week, and you’ll have a good chance of spotting a shooting star. Earth is passing through the debris field of Halley’s comet. Bits of rock burn up in the atmosphere, causing meteor showers. The Eta Aquarid meteor showers last until May 28th, but will peak early Sunday morning.


May You Have a Happy Day

Happy May Day! May 1st is often celebrated as the beginning of spring. Give people flowers, and dance around a May pole! In Hawaii, it’s also Lei Day. Leis are beautiful flower garlands you wear around your neck. But first, go to the principal’s office. No, you’re not in trouble! Just wish them Happy School Principals’ Day!


Air Of Heisei Going Fast

Japan’s Emperor Akihito abdicated the throne this morning, becoming the first emperor in 200 years to give up his position. His son, the Crown Prince Naruhito takes over at midnight. To commemorate the end of the Heisei era, the 30-year period of Akihito’s reign, you can buy cans of preserved Air of Heisei. Act now!


Water Pods Hydrate Runners

The London Marathon drew 41,000 runners last weekend. Instead of gulping water from plastic bottles, the athletes were given biodegradable water blobs! Ooho water pouches are made of seaweed extract, so you can pop the whole thing into your mouth! This was the first full marathon to use the water pods. It was a success!


Tea and Cookies

Today is Bubble Tea Day! The bubbles in the sweet milky tea, are tapioca balls. If you’d prefer your chewing on the side, it’s also Raisin Day, and Oatmeal Cookie Day. Multi-task, and eat an oatmeal-raisin cookie. Since it’s Honesty Day, tell the truth. Are you the one that ate all the cookies?


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