Cthulhu is Smaller Than Expected

Cthulhu, the cosmic entity created by writer HP Lovecraft, had a tentacled face, and lived in a sunken city in the Pacific Ocean. Paleontologists have discovered a fossilized relative of the sea cucumber, that looks like a smaller, less fearsome Cthulhu. It’s only 3 centimeters long! Still, with 45 armored tentacles, 430,000,000 year-old Sollasina cthulhu is impressive!


Hooray for the Safety Pin!

Take a moment today to think about Walter Hunt, on International Safety Pin Day! He owed his friend $15 back in 1849, so he invented the safety pin, to make some money to repay him! They’re awesome at holding things together, but you can also make cool crafts or jewelry with them. Can you invent something?


Plant a Garden for the Bees and Butterflies

The National Pollinator Garden Network, launched a Million Pollinator Garden Challenge in 2015. They’ve now surpassed their goal! 1,040,000 gardens are registered around the world, planted with flowers that attract bees and butterflies. The insects that pollinate plants are essential, to healthy crops. Look up the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, to discover how you can help!


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