Seeing ALL the Sights

Mikah Meyers really loves the National Park Service. He just took the ultimate road trip, and visited all 419 U.S. sites, in a row! It took him 3 years to travel through 56 states and territories, seeing natural wonders and man-made monuments. Mikah completed his trek, by climbing the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington DC.


STEM is the Backbone to Exploring Space

Celebrate International Space Day, by doing your math homework. Space Day encourages people to study STEM fields, meaning science, technology, engineering, and math. Telescopes, satellites, space travel, and understanding the stars, wouldn’t be possible without the work of scientists and mathematicians! Make sure you keep learning, while you stare off into space!


Meditate in Mismatched Shoes

Today’s going to be fun! It’s Two Different Colored Shoes Day! Walk proudly in your mismatched shoes. No need to be normal; it’s Paranormal Day! Celebrate the strange things that can’t be explained by science by watching Ghostbusters or Harry Potter. Then relax in the garden, because it’s National Garden Meditation Day.


Killing Time at Work

Have you ever made a chain out of paperclips when you were bored? Employees at the Office Plus store in Danville Virginia, spent 12 hours making a paperclip chain that was 1,200 feet long! They destroyed the old world record, which was a mere 61 feet long. Don’t worry; the store manager was in on it!


Flush More Money Down the Toilet

If common toilet paper is simply too rough for your delicate behind, you may need to splurge on Quilted Northern Luxury. According to the description, the bath tissue has 4 cushiony and silky, meticulously crafted layers, and is exquisitely packaged for display. It sounds too fancy to be getting flushed down the toilet!


Cure for Box Jellyfish Sting

A box of jelly might not sound dangerous, but the most venomous creature on Earth is the Australian box jellyfish. They have 60 tentacles that can grow 10 feet long, and are covered with millions of deadly venom-filled hooks. Researchers have discovered a drug that could cure a sting if used within 15 minutes. Keep it handy!


Handmade Nests for Baby Birds

The Carolina Waterfowl Rescue group in North Carolina, has been receiving lots of injured and orphaned baby birds. During nesting season, their shelter might take in 3000 birds! Last month, their Facebook page asked people to help out, by knitting nests. They’ve received thousands of hand-knitted nests, to help cute little baby birds grow up!


What’s Your Password?

It’s so frustrating when you forget your password, and your mom probably can’t help you find it! Today is World Password Day. It’s important to update passwords with something difficult to hack, but make sure you can remember it yourself! Try using random words, and definitely don’t use 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 or PASSWORD for your password!


Panels of Clean Air

The Arborea company is working with Imperial College London, to try their BioSolar Leaf cultivation system. The technology uses tiny plants, like microalgae and phytoplankton, to clean the air. Placed on rooftops, similar to solar panels, the masses of plants purify as much air as 100 trees! They can also be harvested for food additives. Amazing!


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