Big On Recycling

People in India are making a huge recycling effort. In fact, they set a new world record! 3,373 people formed a giant green recycling symbol. The 3 arrows in the symbol help you remember to reduce, re-use, and recycle! When printed on plastics, the number in the middle tells you what type of plastic it is.


Neptune’s Great Dark Spot

There’s a big storm brewing, but don’t worry. It’s on the planet Neptune. The Hubble Space Telescope has captured images of a vortex known as the Great Dark Spot. The area has grown, from some white clouds a few years ago, to a dark spot stretching 6,800 miles across! The clouds contain methane ice crystals!


Weeds on a Stick

Roasting marshmallows on a stick is fun. Grilled kebabs with fruits or vegetables is delicious. Eating finger foods with toothpicks feels fancy. Today is Something On A Stick Day! Eat all the stick-ey foods! It’s also Weed Appreciation Day. Dandelions have beautiful bright flowers, and they’re edible. Re-think weeds, and give them a chance!


Mountain is Perfect Just as it Is

An entire mountain in Scotland just gained protected status, thanks to the Woodland Trust Scotland charity. The group bought the 1,752 foot-tall Ben Sheildaig, from a private landowner, after raising 1.6 million pounds. The mountain is covered with Scottish wildlife and ancient forests, which can now be preserved, and protected from future development!


All-Purpose Banana Leaves

A supermarket in Chiangmai Thailand, has discovered a great alternative to plastic packaging. Instead of wrapping products in plastic film, or putting them in plastic containers, they use banana leaves! The leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof, plus they contain an enzyme that can help with digestion. You can even use leaves as plates!


Mad About Manatees

It’s Manatee Appreciation Day! Manatees, also known as sea cows, are slow-moving aquatic mammals, that are vulnerable to extinction. They’re about 10-15 feet long, and have 4 rows of teeth! Manatees live in warm shallow waters, and graze on underwater vegetation. Here’s a fun fact: baby manatees drink milk from their mom’s armpit!


Triple Dose of Cute

The Taronga Zoo in Australia, is home to a new trio of cuties! Red panda triplets named Rohan, Ishtar, and Mishry, are just starting to come out of their nest box. They’re about 3 months old, and are the first red panda triplets ever born at that zoo. They are absolutely adorable, times 3!


Cleaning Pays Off

A man in Maryland often buys lottery tickets, but he only checks his numbers every month or two, when his wallet gets too full. He  recently cleaned out his wallet, and found several winning tickets. One was worth 1.2 million dollars! He’s going to buy a home in the country, and vacation, debt-free!


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