Grounds and Hedges

You might know about Groundhog Day, but what about Marmot Day? Marmots are large ground squirrels. There are 15 species of marmot, and groundhogs are one of them! It’s also Hedgehog Day! They look like spiky balls, with quills that feel like toothpicks. Don’t forget Sled Dog Day! Take your dog sledding, and yell “mush!”


A Not-Very-Scientific Prediction

It’s Groundhog Day! The official weather-predicting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, will emerge from his burrow and look for his shadow. If he sees it, that means 6 more weeks of winter. But Martinsburg Maxwell, a groundhog with a degree in meteorology, said, “Phil’s only right 20% of the time; it’s impossible to accurately predict weather that way!”



Today’s Menu

You know what I ate for breakfast? Ice cream! Yay! It’s Ice Cream For Breakfast Day! Plus, it’s Crepe Day, so I’m having those for lunch. They’re like skinny pancakes, that you can fold around any filling you like! It’s Tater Tot Day too, so crispy potatoey bites will be my dinner. Yum!


Temperatures Can Always Get Worse

Whether you’re in the middle of a heat wave or the polar vortex,  it’s nothing close to the limit. Absolute zero, when every skerrick of heat energy has been sucked out, is -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. Absolute hot, the highest possible temperature, is 2.556 trigintillion degrees Fahrenheit: 2556 followed by 30 zeroes. Our sun’s core is only 18 million degrees!



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