Love Those Lunches of Love

Liam Hannon started the Liam’s Lunches of Love organization last year, to hand out meals to homeless people in Cambridge Massachusetts. The 12 year-old has already given out over 200 lunches, with a handwritten message on each bag. His goal is to purchase a food truck, so he can also give out lunches across Boston.


Do You Speak Cat?

Meow-meowey meow-meow-meow. I think that means, “No, you can’t use my beanbag as a litter box just because it’s softer.” Today is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day, so when your cat meows at you, answer back! It’s also Hot Sauce Day, so if your cat asks to have a taste, warn him it’s spicy!


Hospital Becomes Homeless Shelter

Temperatures will only reach 4 degrees Fahrenheit today in Montreal Canada. That’s bad news for homeless people. The good news is, Montreal’s historic Royal Victoria Hospital, closed since 2015, has been turned into a temporary homeless shelter. It welcomes rough sleepers and their pets, who are not allowed in most shelters. Everyone deserves warmth and safety!


Still Working on the Dream

Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day. Dr. King was a minister, activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner and leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He used non-violent civil disobedience, marches and sit-ins to try to create racial equality in the United States. He was assassinated in 1968, but still inspires us to fight racism.



Smart Little Eggs

Researchers have discovered that cuttlefish can detect and avoid danger, before they even hatch! They develop in transparent eggs, so they can see when a predator is nearby, or spot cuttlefish ink from an adult’s escape. Since they can’t swim away, they hold their breath and freeze, so they don’t get eaten.


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