BAD Kitty!

Bendor Grosvenor spent over $6000 on a 17th century painting by John Michael Wright. He was repairing 2 small tears to restore it, when disaster struck. His cat, Padme, jumped right in the middle of the painting, making a big hole! Grosvenor said Padme is not a fan of Wright, and regrets nothing. Bad kitty!


Turn Off the Lights

Today, on Cut Your Energy Costs Day, brainstorm ways that your family can use less electricity, like turning off lights, or adjusting the thermostat. Wear a sweater instead of making the whole house warmer. Clean the filters in your heating and air conditioning units. Also, stop playing video games! Haha, just kidding!


Instant Instagram Star

Kang Daniel, the South Korean singer of the boy band, Wanna One, is also a world record holder. He was the fastest person to gain 1,000,000 followers on Instagram. He reached the milestone only 11 hours and 36 minutes, after making his first Instagram post. Pope Francis held the previous record, reaching 1,000,000 in 12 hours back in 2016.


Something Shocking

Are you shocked to hear it’s National Static Electricity Day? Static electricity is produced when the positive and negative charges of an atom become unbalanced. See static in action by rubbing a balloon against your head. It will stick! Shuffle around the carpet with rubber-soled shoes and try to zap someone. Yee-ouch!


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