Ball of Scales

Today we celebrate 2 very different mammals. It’s World Whale Day, and World Pangolin Day! Pangolins live in Asia and Africa. They’re covered in scales, and curl into balls for protection. The nocturnal animals can have tongues that are longer than their bodies! Pangolins are endangered, and are the most smuggled animal in the world.


Amazing Whales

Whales are mammals that live in the ocean, and can range in size from the 8-foot dwarf sperm whale, to the 98-foot blue whale, the largest creature that ever lived! Whales are also endangered, and some species were nearly hunted to extinction. Whale songs can travel thousands of miles through the water!


Count Some Bald Eagles

The Great Backyard Bird Count starts today, where you can count the birds, and record them at But if you want to just watch some birds online, check out, to watch a bald eagle’s nest. Liberty and Justice have been nesting there since 2004, and the nest is ready for some new eggs!


Who’s Raiding My Fridge?

Last weekend in California, Bryan Kengott had a couple of visitors looking for a late-night snack. His security camera recorded 2 bear cubs raiding his fridge! The cubs had entered through an unlocked window, and visited the kitchen and bedroom before an alarm scared them off. Bryan now locks everything securely, because they keep returning!


Hippo Happy Day

Hippo Happy Day. I mean, Happy Hippo Day! Did you know, hippopotamuses give pink milk? Another crazy fact is, they can’t swim! They just walk underwater. They might look slow and harmless, but be careful; they kill around 3000 people a year. Also, they fling poop with their tails, to mark their territory!


Get Your Binoculars Ready

Don’t forget, tomorrow is the beginning of the Great Backyard Bird Count! You can participate all weekend, or for only 15 minutes, but your observations are important. From Friday through Monday, report your bird sightings online, at bird Last year, 160,000 people participated, giving an instant look at global bird populations. Count me in!


Rover Finally Bites the Dust

The Mars Opportunity Rover has finally stopped sending signals to Earth. NASA sent the robot to Mars in 2004, for what was supposed to be a 90 day mission. Instead, Oppy explored for 15 years! After a massive dust storm last year, the rover stopped responding. After more than 1000 attempts to contact it, NASA declared, “Mission complete.”


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