Black Holes and Cosmic Nets

Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong, not even light can escape. Astronomers have discovered that the magnetic field around a black hole can help feed it, by trapping material like a giant cosmic net. Now they’ll study the effect the fields might have on galactic nuclei and their surroundings.


Meet Someone New

Sainsbury’s, a supermarket chain in the United Kingdom, is introducing Talking Tables in their cafes. People who are lonely can sit at the tables to meet other people, and have an actual conversation instead of looking at their phones. Sometimes a chat with a stranger can turn your whole day around!


The Awesome Sloth

Have you ever waited so long to take a bath, you grew algae? I didn’t think so. The sloth does! It hangs upside-down in trees, moving incredibly slowly, growing algae for camouflage, and coming down once a week to poop. Start growing your fingernails into long claws, for next year’s International Sloth Day!


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