Is That a Leg-atti?

The Bugatti Chiron is one of the fastest cars in the world, reaching speeds of 260 miles per hour. But there’s an equally impressive version that goes only 12 miles per hour. It’s a life-size Lego Bugatti! The working model uses over 1,000,000 Lego Technic pieces, as well as 2304 Lego motors, and you can actually drive it!


Happy Equinox

Pumpkin spice everything has been popping up for a few weeks now, but today is the official first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun is directly in line with the Earth’s equator. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the vernal equinox: the first day of spring!


All Creatures Great and Small

Today is World Rhino Day, and Elephant Appreciation Day. Both animals are endangered. Poachers hunt rhinoceroses for their horns, and elephants for their tusks. Their habitats are also disappearing. Learn more about these magnificent creatures today! It’s also International Rabbit Day, if you’d prefer to learn about small furry animals!


Hobbits Never Needed Cars

There are so many things being celebrated today! It’s World Car Free Day, so try to walk, bike, or use public transportation. It’s Hobbit Day, in honor of Frodo and Bilbo Baggins’s birthday. It’s White Chocolate Day and Ice Cream Cone Day, so combine the treats! And it’s Doodle Day. Draw some tiny sketches!


Planet Could be Vulcan

Star Trek fans know that Mr. Spock is from the planet Vulcan. The character’s fictional home orbits the star 40 Eridani A. But astronomers just discovered a real-life exoplanet orbiting that star. It’s in the habitable zone, which means the temperature could permit liquid water and sustain life. Maybe Vulcan is real after all!


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