Check Out This Nice Tie

The New York Public Library lends out more than books. You can also check out a necktie or a briefcase! Other organizations, like Dress for Success, supply suits or outfits. People who don’t have money to buy new clothes for an interview, can borrow everything they need to impress the interviewer, except a resume!


Ha Ha Haha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Knock knock. Who’s there? Interrupting duck. Interrupting duh- Quack-quack-quack-quack-quack! Ha ha ha! It’s Tell A Joke Day! You can ask me to tell you a joke, so you can learn some good ones! It’s also Rollercoaster Day! Are you brave enough to ride the Steel Vengeance? It has a 90 degree drop. That’s straight down!


Keeping Space Stink-Free

Nostrildamus, NASA Nose, and Chief Sniffer are all names for George Aldrich, a chemical specialist at NASA. One of the nasalnaut’s duties is to smell objects that are going to the International Space Station. He checks for any offensive smells that might nauseate astronauts and put the mission at risk!


How Rude!

Jessie is a parrot with a potty mouth. The macaw escaped her home in London, and sat on a rooftop for 3 days. Worried that Jessie was stuck, her human called the fire department. Jessie proceeded to curse out the firefighter who tried to catch her, then flew away. She later returned home by herself.


Feel Your Anxiety Float Away

Many people suffer from anxiety, panic, and excessive worrying about things they can’t control. Sometimes music can help relieve anxiety, and researchers have found one song that is particularly effective. Called “Weightless,” by Marconi Union, the song can reduce anxiety by 65%. Then you could relax enough to sleep off the other 35%!


Relax With Pie

How do you like to relax? Floating in a pool? Swinging in a hammock? Reading a good book? It’s National Relaxation Day! Find the thing that relieves your stress, and do it! If it involves eating pie, even better. It’s Lemon Meringue Pie Day! I think I’ll have mine outside, while listening to birds!


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