Tying Light in Knots

Physicists have all the fun. They’ve managed to twist beams of laser light into knots! Researchers used polarization and holograms, to manipulate the vibrating particles of light. They tied many complex knots in order to study the spaces in between, which are known as Seifert surfaces. I wonder if they can tie laser shoelaces?


Fly Causes Chain Reaction

A German group was attempting a new world record involving 596,229 mini dominoes. 22 people had already spent 2 weeks, setting them up with tweezers; but before they could finish, a fly landed on a tile and triggered them to fall prematurely! There was no time to set it up again. That must have really bugged them!


That Robot Just Popped

What amazing substance grows 10 times bigger with extreme force, when heated? Popcorn! Scientists are creating simple robots powered by popcorn. Instead of pumps and compressors, kernels would expand when voltage is applied, and shrink when popped kernels dissolve in water. Popcorn power would be good for jumping robots, or maybe edible ones!


In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

A new dinosaur was recently discovered in China. The amazing dragon from Lingwu, or Lingwulong shenqui, is a neosauropod, a long-necked plant eater. Paleontologists were surprised to find the 174 million year-old fossils in East Asia, because it was believed that area was cut off by Jurassic seaways. It’s 15 million years older than previously known neosauropods!


The Pipes Are Calling

If you’re near Orangeburg New York today, you might see world record-making in progress! The Ceol Mor Festival will attempt to gather at least 334 bagpipers together to play the same song, and become bagpiping capital of the world.  The festival also hosts competitions for pipe and drum bands and soloists.


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