Eaglet Found Uninjured

Victory and Valor are eaglets that hatched 3 months ago, and had been testing their wings. The whole world could watch them grow up on dceaglecam.org, but the  eagle-cam lost track of Valor when he slipped out of the nest Friday. Thankfully, he’s been found! He’ll be returned to his nest, 80 feet up a tree.


E-Mail Your Parents

Can you imagine a world without the internet? Many of your parents were born before “www” meant anything! That alone deserves respect today, on Respect For Parents Day. It’s World Wide Web Day also. Thank you to Tim Berners-Lee for inventing the magnificent way to connect everyone in the world in seconds, back in 1989!


Bacteria Slips Off Oily Surfaces

There may be any easier way, to prevent deadly bacteria like salmonella from contaminating mass-produced food. New research shows, a layer of cooking oil on stainless steel machines can reduce bacteria levels 1000 times! It’s an easy way to fill in microscopic cracks that are hard to clean. But it won’t keep your room clean!



Doing the Right Thing

What would you do if you found a wallet full of cash? 3 kids in Colorado, who found a wallet with $700 in it, returned it to the owner’s house. The doorbell recorded video of their act of kindness. The wallet’s owner, impressed with their honesty, shared the video online to inspire us all!


Go for the Uncommon Choice

Do you know how to play the hydraulaphone? Maybe you’d like to take nellophone lessons. Or you could watch someone play the theremin. It’s Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day!  It’s also National Mutt Day. Purebred dogs are great, but 2 breeds mixed together is twice as great, right? So a mixed-up mutt is best of all!


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