Impressive Unicycle Ride

It took more than 3 years, but 21 year-old Ed Pratt, has become the first person to unicycle around the world. He started from his home in Somerset England in 2015. 21,000 miles later, he’s returned home. His unicycle journey raised $393,000 for the School in a Bag charity, which gives school supplies to needy kids. Welcome home Ed!


Cat Lovers Unite

Do you love cats? Are you going to be in Pasadena California next weekend? Then you need to go to CatCon! Meet famous cats like Lil Bub, Pudge and Morris. See Moshow the cat rapper. Learn about engineering for cats, or applying the purr-fect cat-eye makeup. You can even adopt a cat! Meowey meow-meow!


Nobody Beats MY Record

In 2013, Bulgarian swimmer Yane Petkov set a world record by swimming 2030 meters in the Indian Ocean. Indian fisherman Gopal Kharvi broke that record 3 months later, swimming 3071 meters. Now, Petkov reclaimed his old record by swimming 3380 meters, but with his hands and feet tied, while fully wrapped in a sack! Beat that, Kharvi!


Fossilize Anything!

Scientists have figured out how to make fossils in a day, instead of millions of years. Using a process called artificial maturation, they compressed samples in sediment using a hydraulic press, then heated them to 410 degrees Fahrenheit. By understanding what molecules withstand fossilization, scientists will know what to look for in real fossils.


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