New X-Ray Technology Coming

The father-son team of Phil and Anthony Butler’s company, Mars Bioimaging, unveiled a new kind of X-ray scanner. It records energy levels of the X-rays as they hit each particle in your body, then translates them into color. They are also 3 dimensional. 3D color X-rays of your broken arm would be awesome!



Unlucky Farmer Finds Fossil

The fossilized skull of a Gompotherium pyrenaicum, an extinct relative of the elephant, was found in France. The species had 2 extra tusks growing out of its lower jaw, which were flattened and probably used for digging. A farmer had found the skull in 2014,  but didn’t want paleontologists digging up his land!


2 for 1 Asteroid!

In December, an asteroid was discovered orbiting the sun. It turns out there is a bonus asteroid! 2017 YE5 is actually 2 asteroids locked in a binary orbit. The asteroids are the same size, about 3000 feet in diameter, and are probably black because they are not very reflective. They orbit each other every 20 to 24 hours.


Geek Out on a Rock

Today is Friday the 13th, and it’s also Fry-day: National French Fry Day! Eat your fries while looking for some cool rocks to celebrate International Rock Day. Are they igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic? Today is also Embrace Your Geekness Day, so feel free to share every detail of your latest obsession!


Honey Bees Need Help

Bees are essential to pollinate crops, but honeybee populations have been declining. One company created Dropcopters to help save crops. The aerial drones have dropped pollen bombs on cherry, almond and apple orchards. You can help the honey bees by planting more flowers, setting out water for them, and not using pesticides. Or start a beehive!


How to STOP an Accident

When Logan Duncan was driving recently, he noticed a stop sign had been knocked over. After witnessing a near-accident because of it, he spent his lunch hour holding the sign up, in 95 degree heat. Randy Jones spotted him, and called the city to fix it right away. Good deeds can save lives!


What Color Are Your Eyes?

Do you know anyone with two different colored eyes? It’s called heterochromia. While it’s uncommon for people, huskies and white cats often have this neat trait. Today is National Different Colored Eyes Day. It’s also Eat Your Jello Day and National Pecan Pie Day, so make sure you save room for dessert today!


Map Appears on Parched Earth

The United Kingdom has been experiencing a heat wave for weeks. The parched Welsh countryside is starting to show ancient monuments that have been invisible for decades. The traces of centuries-old walls and foundations show up from the air like a map, leading to new archaeological discoveries. They’ll disappear once the drought is over!


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