Cows Greet Alien Visitors

Derek Klingenberg is a celebrity farmer YouTuber. Millions of people have watched him serenade his cows with his trombone or sing a farm version of “What Does the Fox Say?”. He also makes cow space art! Derek herded his cows into position, spelling out a giant “Hi!” which was photographed by satellite imagery!


Staying Fit Forever

Centenarians, or people who are at least 100 years old, have been breaking world records right and left! 102 year-old Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins and 100 year-old Orville Rogers both set speed records for their age group in the 60 meter dash over the weekend. Roy Englert, a relative youngster at age 93, also set a world record in the 3000 meter race.


The Vast Unexplored Ocean

The ocean’s twilight zone has low light. The deep-reef areas just beneath highly studied waters are so full of previously unknown species of fish that researchers have renamed ocean zone levels. The sunlight, twilight and midnight zones are now split into altiphotic, mesophotic, rariphotic and deep aphotic zones. The ocean is still vastly unexplored!


Thanks for Having Nice Manners

Do you say thank you? And hold the door open for someone behind you? Do you RSVP to party invitations? (That means Respondez S’il Vous Plait, french for Please Respond.) These good manners are called common courtesies, and it’s National Common Courtesy Day. Thank you for the baguette, to also celebrate National French Bread Day!


Inspiring Science and Stuff

Congratulations to Bethan Padbury, a British teen who won the Guinness World Records: Science and Stuff Inspire Award at the Big Bang Fair in England. She produced electricity to light up a sign using a bicycle and a homemade generator. You could also smell a recreation of the smelly corpse flower at the fair!


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