I am a Coal-Truck

It’s National Great Poetry Reading Day. You know who writes not-so-great poetry? Artificial Intelligence. Here’s an example: “I am a coal-truck,  by a broken heart,  I have no sound,  the sound of my heart,  I am not”. AI poetry might not be incredible, but it’s just as good as some poetry humans write!


Bird-of-Paradise Dance-Off

If you’ve never watched a superb bird-of-paradise dance, you’re in luck. Ornithologists have discovered the species is actually 2 different species! Both have black light-absorbing feathers, with a blue smiley-face pattern. Now you can compare videos of the greater and Voglekop superb birds-of-paradise, and see who’s a better dancer!


Have a Super Day!

Today is Go Birding Day, a day to watch and listen for birds. Exercise your senses of sight and hearing. It’s also National Sense Of Smell Day, so you should smell the flowers while you’re out birdwatching! Don’t forget your sense of taste; it’s Blueberry Pie Day! Now combine all your super-senses for National Superhero Day!


Horses Can Really Hold a Grudge!

Researchers have found that horses not only read your emotions, but they remember them later. They showed photos of people with happy or angry faces to horses. Later, when the person met the horse with a neutral expression on their face, the horse reacted according to the earlier photograph. Once a horse sees you mad, he doesn’t forget!


Story Time from Space

Astronauts on the International Space Station have a special assignment: reading to kids, from space! Story Time from Space is a program where carefully chosen books rocket up to the Space Station. Then an astronaut reads the book to kids back on Earth! You can watch on the Story Time from Space website.


Mmmm, Stratospherey!

Have you ever wondered what garlic bread would taste like on the edge of space? YouTubers Tom Scott, Steve Randall and Barry Lewis sent a loaf of garlic bread up 22 miles, attached to a weather balloon. When it came back down, they ate it. The stratospheric bread was a little frozen in the middle, but still delicious!


Watch Eagles All Day Long

A few days ago, I told you about eaglecam.org, where you can watch a nest with two bald eagle babies. They are getting so big! But there’s another bald eagle nest to watch, in Washington D.C.’s Arboretum. Mr. President and The First Lady are taking turns sitting on 2 eggs! Check out DCeaglecam.org.


Cool Cars Cruise Chattanooga

If you’re near Chattanooga Tennessee, plan to attend the Scenic City Art Car Weekend presented by Art 120. An Art Car is a structure with wheels that’s decorated with paint, sculpture, or anything else you can think of! An Art Car-A-Van will be visiting schools this week, and car-tists will be inspiring people all weekend with their creativity!


Running 26 Miles Isn’t Enough?

Last weekend, the London Marathon resulted in 34 new world records! There was the fastest marathon on stilts, and the fastest people dressed as a carrot, Star Wars character, cheerleader, man in a wedding dress, and Forrest Gump. Even the weather participated: it was the hottest London Marathon on record, at a balmy 75 degrees Fahrenheit.


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