New Lizard Species Discovered

A dinosaur fossil found in the nineteenth century is still providing new data. The Compsognathus longipes ate a lizard 150 million years ago but died before digesting it. The lizard has been reclassified as a new species. Researchers named it Schoenesmahl dyspepsia, which translates to “beautiful meal that is difficult to digest.”


What’s a Joygerm?

In 1981, Joan White decided to spread joy every January 8th. She thought happiness could be infectious, so she called it National Joygerm Day. Just do something nice for someone or write an e-mail or letter. Tell them you are spreading germs of joy and ask them to help you infect the world!


Ivory Banned in China

The sale of ivory has been banned in China! Most ivory is obtained from elephant tusks. Elephants are an endangered species because of poaching and habitat loss. Nearly 30,000 elephants a year were killed illegally for their tusks, so conservationists are excited that China has taken this big step to help protect them.


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