Nacho Average Day

Crunch-crunch-crunch. Today is National Tortilla Chip Day! In Los Angeles in the 1940’s, Rebecca Webb Carranza noticed all the misshapen tortillas that were rejected at the El Zarape Tortilla Factory. She cut them into triangles and fried them, then sold them for 10 cents a bag. Corn + oil + water + salt = delicious!


Teachers Are Awesome

West Virginia teachers are teaching students an important lesson in peaceful protests and standing up for your rights. All public schools in the state of West Virginia are closed while teachers demand more pay and better health insurance. They have the support of students and parents, because teachers are AWESOME! Thank a teacher today!


National Everything Day

I’m going to try to celebrate National Toast, Banana Bread, Dog Biscuit, Tile, Play Tennis, Curling Is Cool, and Skip The Straw Days all at once!  I’ll tile my table with dog biscuits, toast, and banana bread, watch some Olympic curling, then drink water without a straw after playing tennis. I’ll be exhausted!


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