Snowball in a Can

One of the coolest souvenirs for sale in Minneapolis during the Super Bowl was snow. The ad agency space150 sold snowballs in a vending machine! For one dollar, you’d get a see-through can with a handmade Minnesota snowball in it, and the money was donated to the Wilderness Inquiry organization.


Be My Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day! Saint Valentine was a priest put to death in the third century, but legends vary as to the reason why. His feast day evolved into a celebration of love in the Middle Ages. The best reason to celebrate today is to show appreciation to people in your life. And to eat chocolate!


Mardi Party!

You can call today Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, Carnival, Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday. The day before Ash Wednesday, the start of a Christian period of fasting called Lent, is a good excuse for parties and overindulgence. For days of parades and celebrations, visit New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, Venice, Nice France, or Goa India.


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