Take a Bite on the Beat

It’s World Techno Day! Techno is electronic dance music with a strong beat. Get some glow sticks and party lights, turn up the music, and have a techno dance party! It’s also Pastry Day, so eat some cakes and pies. After all, you need to keep up your energy, to continue dancing all day!

Healthy Pets Might Cheer Weary Willie Up

Have you ever heard of Emmett Kelly? Born in 1898, he was one of the first sad-faced clowns, named Weary Willie. Celebrate Weary Willie Day, by painting your face like a clown, superhero, or animal. It’s also the International Day of Veterinary Medicine. A gigantic thank you, to the vets who care for our pets!

Another Chance at Love

You’re never too old, to find new love. 100-year-old Bernie Littman and 102-year-old Marjorie Fiterman became the world’s oldest newlyweds, after falling in love at a senior living home. They’d attended the University of Pennsylvania at the same time years earlier, but had never met. Their first marriages lasted more than 60 years!

Sing by Candlelight

Today is Worldwide Candle Lighting Day. At 7 PM, light candles to honor those you have lost, and keep the wave of light traveling around the world. It’s also Choral Day, so sing songs while you gather around the candles. If it’s your birthday, sing Happy Birthday last, so you can blow them out!

The Poppity-Pop of Chopsticks

David Rush has set more than 250 world records, but he’s always setting new records, to hold onto his record of most records held at the same time. His latest title was throwing chopsticks and popping 28 balloons taped to a wall, in 30 seconds. He performed his amazing feat on Spain’s Got Talent.

Slide Some Slime into Your Schedule

Did you know it’s Slime Day? You can make your own gooey slime by mixing 2 4-ounce bottles of school glue, with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Add 2 tablespoons of contact lens solution to activate your mixture, then knead it until it’s the perfect texture. You can even add glitter or food coloring.

Soak Up Some Sunshine

Today, like the first Saturday of every month, is Play Outside Day. Put down the phones and video games, and get some fresh air! Play in the snow if you have it, or see who can find the longest icicle. Spot which plants stay green in winter. Whatever the weather, have some outdoor fun.

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