Print Your Own Lamborghini

Physicist Sterling Backus and his son, are 3D printing a supercar! They’ve taken the design for a Lamborghini Aventador, and added their own flair. Most of the car is printed from plastic, although some panels are wrapped in carbon fiber. The engine and chassis are also not plastic. What an amazing father-son project!


Here’s Your Dinner Menu

Today is Jackfruit Day. It’s high in protein and tastes similar to pork, so it’s a great food to eat instead of meat. That’s perfect, because it’s also Independence From Meat Day! Better yet, it’s Barbecue Day, and Caesar Salad Day, so you can barbecue slabs of jackfruit, and eat it with a salad!


Independence Things

The Fourth of July is known as Independence Day in the United States. This is the day they officially declared independence from the British Empire in 1776. Celebrate by watching fireworks! If your fireworks get rained out, you can always watch the new season of Stranger Things, which will be released on Netflix at 3, Eastern-standard-time.


Raccoon Sparks Chaos

Over 200 customers lost power in Springfield Illinois, thanks to a mischievous raccoon. Already wearing his mask, the curious critter broke into an electrical cabinet, and damaged equipment. Some government buildings, homes, and traffic lights were affected, but no serious damage was done. Luckily, even the raccoon was uninjured!


What’s In Those Fireworks?

July is full of fireworks, but do you know what creates different colors? Yellow bursts are made with sodium. Red, green, and blue flares come from strontium, barium, and copper. White bursts are created with aluminum or magnesium, while golden sparkles use carbon. Combining ingredients creates even more colors! Pyrotechnics require serious scientific knowledge!


Quit the Plastic Bag Habit

It’s obvious plastic bags are polluting the world. Look at the trees along a highway, and you’ll see them caught in the branches. They clog streams, and get eaten by creatures in the ocean. Plastic bags get used for an average of 12 minutes! On International Plastic Bag Free Day, commit to quit using them!


Last Week of the World Cup

Have you been watching the FIFA Women’s World Cup? The soccer tournament occurs every 4 years. The semi-finals take place today and tomorrow in France, when England plays the US, and Netherlands plays Sweden. Soccer is the world’s most popular sport, and over 1,000,000,000 people are expected to watch, by the final match on Sunday!


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