Welcome to the Future

Jake Wilmot, co-founder of studioDisrupr VR, decided to try an experiment. He spent an entire week wearing a virtual reality headset. He said it was the dumbest thing he’s ever done, although it was more comfortable than he’d expected. The best thing about taking the headset off? Real-life graphics are amazing!


Amusing Wiper Covers

Oh no, not another rainy day. You know what would make it less dreary? Windshield wiper covers! You can get Smackdown Wrestlers WiperTags, that make it look like an epic elbow drop is happening on your car window. Maybe you’d prefer a WipeSaber, like a light saber, that uses the force to remove raindrops!


Good Dog!

Do you ever play video games that have a dog in them? A Twitter page called “Can You Pet the Dog?” tells you whether or not your character can pet the dog, in various video games. It’s so satisfying to pet a friendly dog, even if it’s only a virtual one!


Irish Dancing Past Cancer

Last year, Finnbar O’Reilly was preparing for the Irish dancing world championships, when he developed bone cancer. He had to sit out All Irelands, to begin treatment. He kept dancing as much as he could, while undergoing chemotherapy. Now, the Virginia 17 year-old is cancer-free, and ready to compete in All Irelands next month!


The Buzzards Are Back

Every year, Hinckley Ohio celebrates spring and the return of its buzzards. Also known as turkey vultures, they’ve returned to the cliffs and caverns of Whipp’s Ledges like clockwork every March 15th. The town always hosts a Buzzard Day for visitors the following Sunday with lots of pancakes. The vultures just eat dead animals!



Paddy’s Day Celebrations

Don’t worry when you see the neon green Chicago River today. It’s just St. Patrick’s Day! Saint Patrick was British, but became a Christian missionary in Ireland in the 5th century. His feast day has become a celebration of all things Irish, from shamrocks to leprechauns to the color green! Happy Paddy’s Day!



No Baking Required

The Lismore Comprehensive School, in Craigavon Northern Ireland, celebrated Pi Day by making a gigantic human pi! They formed the mathematical symbol, with 1,170 students and faculty, setting a new world record for most people forming a giant pi symbol. I wonder if they celebrated, by eating lots of pies!


Simple Math Trick

What sounds like an easier calculation to do in your head: 12% of   50, or 50% of 12? They both have the same answer! Thousands of people didn’t know this trick, and were amazed when Ben Stevens pointed it out on Twitter. It can make mental math a little less complicated!


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