Lend Queen Judith a Hand

A grandma from Texas was having fun being a queen in Iceland, until she started to float away! Judith Streng was sitting on a thone-shaped iceberg, to have her photo taken. A large wave started to pull the ice out to sea! Luckily another visitor, Randy Lacount, rescued Her Royal Highness by boat.


Ripley Blasts Off

SpaceX just sent its first passenger to the International Space Station, on the Crew Dragon Demo-1 Mission. It was a dummy named Ripley. The life-sized figure is covered in sensors, and wears a Commercial Crew space suit. The sensors will collect data, to learn what travelling will be like for human astronauts, this July.


Printing New Skin

Scientists are working on a new printer, that uses human cells instead of ink! It’s a mobile bioprinter, that can use a patient’s own cells, to print new skin directly over large wounds and burns. It would eliminate the need for skin grafts, and speed up healing. What an amazing invention!


Kindness is Spreading

Fifth graders in Minnesota, started a Kindness Club at Parker Elementary School. They wanted to stop bullying, and help kids feel better about themselves. They put positive notes on lockers, installed a Buddy Bench on the playground for students to make new friends, and spread random acts of kindness through the whole school!


Pick Some Free Tulips

If you live near San Fransisco California, go to Union Park today at 1:00. In honor of American Tulip Day, there will be 100,000 tulips on display. What’s even better is, you can pick them for free! The tulips were grown from Dutch bulbs. Over half a billion tulip bulbs are imported to America each year!


Become a Giant Cat

If you want to really freak out your cat, you can get a cat mask that looks just like him. For around $2,700, The Japanese company, Shindo, will create custom headgear from your pet’s photo, complete with fur. The incredibly realistic masks, are sure to make everyone notice you. Just don’t start eating cat food!


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