Doughs and Dogs

Today is National Mutt Day. Mixed-breed dogs are available for adoption in shelters everywhere, and they are awesome! When you adopt a mutt puppy, you never know how big they’ll grow; you get to be surprised! It’s also Fritters Day. Bits of dough stuffed with fruit, vegetables, or other fillings, are deep-fried and delicious!


A Jiggly Puffball Upchucked

Scientists have been studying humor, and what makes certain words funny. After finding categories that people found funny, like bodily functions and animals, they created a computer model to rate 45,000 words. Some of the funniest words in the English language are upchuck, bubby, jiggly, guffaw, puffball, and yaps. What words make you giggle?


Lifesaving Advertising

The city of Stockholm Sweden, is making a change this winter. Instead of having advertisements on billboards and bus stops, they will have directions to homeless shelters. The digital screens will automatically broadcast the emergency notices, any time the temperatures drop to dangerous levels. It’s a great idea that may  save someone’s life!


Apple Pie Tie

Today is Eat A Red Apple Day! Buy a whole bag and make an apple pie, since it’s also National Pie Day! Pie rhymes with tie, and guess what! It’s the beginning of Tie Month. You can wear bow ties, string ties, fat ties, skinny ties, bolo ties, or light-up ties, all month long!


5 Year-Old is Push-Up King

Rakhim Kurayev has done it again. The 5 year-old Schwarzenegger broke 6 world records by doing 3202 push-ups in a row! His previous record of 4105, could not be counted because of problems with the video recording. Rakhim was rewarded with a Mercedes, as well as toy cars to play with, until he’s old enough to drive it!


That’s Not Corn

People do some weird things in the name of science. 6 pediatricians did an experiment to see what effect eating a Lego had on their body. They swallowed a yellow Lego head, then examined their poop to determine the Find and Retrieve Time, or FART score. It averaged less than 2 days, with no ill effects.


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