What’s for Dinner?

Do you want to grow up to be an astronaut? Wait until you hear what they might have to eat! Scientists are researching ways to turn astronaut poop back into food using microbes. Ready-made food for a long journey takes up too much space. Deep space exploration will depend on recycling human waste!



Is Your Pet a Lefty?

Are you left-handed or right-handed? Studies show that cats and dogs can be southpaws too! In the cat study, males showed a left paw preference, while females tended to use their right paw. Research also showed that left-pawed pets did not deal with stressful situations as well. Which paw does your pet prefer?



Sticky Ticks

Ticks spread Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia and many other diseases, but they might provide a medical use. Researchers in Austria have discovered a glue-like substance in some ticks’ saliva that help cement them onto their victims. The substance could be developed into a medical adhesive. Imagine tick-spit bandages!



Undercover Umbrella

Today is National Umbrella Cover Day. Yes, it’s weird. No, I don’t know why someone would make a day celebrating umbrella covers. Maybe you’d like to celebrate International Kissing Day instead? Or give an invisible hug online, for Virtually Hug a Virtual Assistant Day. Show them you appreciate them!


Study to be a Fireworks Scientist

Did you watch fireworks last night? Which color was your favorite? Yellow bursts are made with sodium. Red, green, or blue bursts come from strontium, barium, and copper. White bursts are created with aluminum or magnesium, while golden sparkles use carbon. Combining ingredients creates even more colors! Pyrotechnics require serious scientific knowledge!


Felix will Oxygenate the Earth

In 2007, a German 9 year-old boy named Felix Finkbeiner, started the global “Plant for the Planet” project. He recruited 100,000 pre-teens to plant trees around the world! The United Nations turned their “One Billion Trees” program over to Felix, and now, at age 20, he’s expanded it to “One Trillion Trees”! Plant a tree every day!


Stop Complaining About the Heat

Are you sweltering in the summer heat? Here’s a fact to cool you off! Absolute zero, when every skerrick of heat energy has been sucked out, is -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. Anyway, it could be worse. Absolute hot, the highest possible temperature, is 2.556 trigintillion degrees Fahrenheit: 2556 followed by 30 zeroes. Our sun’s core is only 18 million degrees!



Australian Animal Arsonists

Controlled burns are fires set for farming or forest management purposes, but there’s no such thing in Australia. That’s because firehawk raptors pick up burning sticks and spread the fire to other areas! For thousands of years, Aboriginal Australians have witnessed the fire-wielding birds of prey hunt animals trying to escape the fires.



No Cell Phones at Night!

9th graders in Jutland Denmark illustrated the dangers of cell phones by planting seeds in two rooms. One room contained two wi-fi routers to simulate the radiation from sleeping next to a cell phone. After 12 days, the seeds in that room were dead, while the empty room had healthy green plants!



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