Trade Technology for Nature

Put down the game controllers and back away from the computers. It’s Hike With A Geek Day! Leave the technology inside and enjoy nature. So what if it’s hot! It’s also National Vanilla Milkshake Day and National Ice Cream Soda Day! Reward yourself with an icy treat, for unplugging and getting some exercise outside!


Little Dog, Big Hero

A 3 year-old girl got lost in a Missouri cornfield last Thursday. Remy Elliott’s mother and 100 other people looked for her all night, but it wasn’t until rescue dogs heard barking, that they located her. Her little Yorkshire terrier, Fat Heath, had spent the night with Remy and alerted rescuers to the sleeping girl!



Soccer fans really know how to shake things up. When Mexico beat Germany on Sunday during the World Cup, fans in Mexico City jumped up and down so much, they registered seismic activity on the city’s earthquake detectors! The celebrating didn’t cause an earthquake, but the tremors were an impressive feat caused by many feet!


I’d Hate to Dust on Mars

Throughout June and July, the planet Mars will be extremely bright. That’s because it will soon be closer to Earth than in the last 15 years! But it still won’t be close enough, to see the giant dust storm raging on its surface. The storm covers 10 billion acres, the size of North America and Russia combined!


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