A Giant Battery Should Fix It!

In South Australia, the power was going out a lot, and the backup system for the electrical grid was expensive. Elon Musk, who runs the alternative energy company Tesla, built a gigantic lithium ion battery to use as a new backup system. 6 months later, the battery has already saved over $25 million for Australians!


Eat Chocolate Chips in Straw Hats

Today is National Chocolate Chip Day! Chocolate bars used to be sold with a little chopping tool before chocolate chips were invented. Put some in your pancakes, cookies, and spaghetti! Okay, maybe not in your spaghetti. It’s also National Straw Hat Day! If you don’t have a straw hat to wear, just stick a straw in a hat!


Now I Want a Gigantic Oreo

A new factory in Bahrain opened with a big world record. Since the factory will be making Oreo cookies, they created a 161 pound Oreo! The world’s largest cream filled biscuit looks exactly like a regular Oreo, but 6495 times bigger! The workers and spectators got to eat the giant wheel of delicious-ness!


Making a B-Line for Bees

The British House of Commons is hoping to protect bees, moths and butterflies in Britain by passing the Protection of Pollinators Bill. It would allow conservationists to help plant wildflowers and shrubberies in B-Lines throughout the country. The corridors will let pollinators travel easily in urban areas, and make animals and people happy too!


Cluck Cluck Cluck Bwok!

Quick, who knows the Chicken Dance? It’s Dance Like A Chicken Day! The Chicken Dance song was written in the 1950’s, so millions of people can teach you the fun dance moves. Then you should play some more current music for chickens. I’m sure they’ve got a few new moves they can show you!


8-Story Wave Headed Your Way

Surfers in California, get ready. In about a week, energy from a massive storm in the Southern Hemisphere will travel across the ocean. A buoy near Campbell Island, south of New Zealand, recorded the largest known wave in the Southern Hemisphere: over 78 feet high! The buoy doesn’t record every wave, meaning others could have been even bigger!


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