Cows Love Mooosic

The cows in Kilmichael Cork, Ireland appreciate good music. When young Grace Lehane played a song on her concertina, which is an accordion-like instrument, the cows on her father’s farm came running! They stood along the fence and listened to her play. They couldn’t clap for her, but they gave her a standing ovation!


Can You Identify These Mutts?

Would you like to take a quiz where you try and identify dogs? Would you like to help with scientific research? You can do both by logging on to “Mutt Mix” at!  You’ll see photos of dogs, and try to guess what breeds they are. When the scientists finish the study, you’ll get a certificate, and the answers!


Take Your Pick Today

You’ll never guess what today is. Seriously, you’ll never guess. It’s International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day! Too wacky? Celebrate International Nose Picking Day! Too gross? How about National Cherry Cheesecake Day! Too sweet? Try National Zucchini Bread Day! And if thou likest none of those, it’s Talk Like Shakespeare Day!


Plant a Tree in 12 Seconds

The Sindh forest department in Pakistan wanted to plant some mangrove trees on an island mudflat, to help its threatened ecosystem. They decided to bring attention to coastal conservation by setting a world record in the process. 300 people planted 1,129,294 mangroves in only 12.5 hours! That averages out to 12 seconds per tree!


Never Give Up on Clean Air!

The new State of Global Air report just came out. It found that 95% of the world’s population breathes polluted air, with some of the the worst air quality in the poorest countries. But many countries are using more clean solar and wind energy, and finding other ways to reduce pollution. Working together, we will breathe clean air again!


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