Whosagoodboy? WHOSagoodboy?

“Good boy! You’re such a cute widdle doggie!” Do you talk to your dog like he’s a baby? Research shows they actually love it! Researchers tested adult dogs to see if they reacted like puppies, and found they respond most to high-pitched emotional speech using dog relevant words. Whowantstogo forawalk?


Hope You Like Cheese Sandwiches

Are you hungry for a nice big sandwich? How about one 2.75 miles long? Clover, who makes Cream O’Naise mayonnaise, made the world’s longest line of sandwiches with lettuce, shredded cheese, 8100 baguettes, and 500 liters of mayonnaise. The event took place in Soweto, South Africa. Luckily, it didn’t rain! Soggy sandwiches are the worst.


Proofreader Neaded

Today if International Women’s Day. And its Nationel Oregon Day. It”s alsho National Peanut Cluster Day. Fimally, it’s National Proofreading Bay. If you’re a girl from the Beaver State, Oregon, whose nuts about chockolit covered peanut globz and caught all thee, misteaks in this paragraphs, this day Is for EWE!


My Legs Are Tired

55 year-old Dermot Higgins is a retired teacher from Dublin on a mission. He wants to be the oldest man to circumnavigate the globe by bicycle! He’ll be biking over 19,000 miles and is currently crossing the U-S-A. He plans to be in New York’s Saint Patrick’s Day parade, and return to Dublin by Easter. Go Go Dermo!


Hooray for Cereal!

Today is National Cereal Day! You can thank Ferdinand Schumacher for oatmeal. He started grinding oats in 1854. Cornflakes were invented in 1891 by John Kellogg, and Charles Post started his cereal business with Grape-nuts in 1898. Make your menu easy today by having cereal for every meal! Excuse me while I eat my Lucky Charms.


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