Fan Mail Gets an Answer

When 15-year-old Taryn Everdeen wrote a letter to her favorite author, she never dreamed she’d work with her. 84-year-old Carolyn Meyer, who wrote the “Young Royals” series, was blown away by Taryn’s letter. She invited the teenager to come visit, and write a book together! They’ve finished the first draft of “Mirror of Time.”

Three Cheers for Tyra

17-year-old Tyra Winters was riding on a float in her school’s homecoming parade, when she saw a woman yelling for help. Her 2-year-old was choking on candy, so Tyra jumped down to the rescue. The cheerleader had learned to help choking children, from her mom in the medical field. She saved the toddler’s life!

Can’t Catch Me

Today is World Octopus Day! Octopuses have 3 hearts, and 8 arms, not tentacles. Tentacles only have suckers at the tips. Octopuses are extremely intelligent, masters of camouflage, and escape artists! Today is also Touch Tag Day. An octopus would be great at water tag! My favorite version is freeze tag. Tag, you’re it!

Some Jobs Stink

Police officers in Canada performed an incredible feat of bravery. They pulled a container off a skunk’s head! The poor little skunk had its head stuck in a plastic bottle, and was running around in circles. Constable David Edgar plucked the bottle off, and ran away quickly, successfully dodging the skunk’s horrible-smelling spray!

Pizza is Perfect

Did you know October is Pizza Month? You could have a different pizza every day. Try barbecue or pesto sauce instead of tomato sauce. Put banana or potato slices on it. Make a dessert pizza with maraschino cherries and chocolate sauce. Create individual crazy pizzas, and trade slices with your friends!

Light Up the Bathtub

Today is Bathtub Day, so skip your shower and take a relaxing bubble bath instead! You could also pamper your tub by giving it a good cleaning. It’s also Change A Light Day, also known as National LED Light Day. Light Emitting Diode bulbs are bright and energy efficient, and last a long time!

Cardboard Keeps Its Cool

The Seawater Greenhouse company has discovered a way to grow fruits and vegetables in the desert, using solar power and saltwater. Plants grow in cooling houses made of cardboard. Solar power pumps saltwater, to dampen the cardboard. The water evaporates and keeps the inside cool, and salt collects on the walls to be harvested.

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