Crabby Neighbors

Everyone in Abriel Arnel’s neighborhood is crabby. She was surprised to find several visitors outside her front door. The Florida woman posted a video of her street, swarming with blue crabs! The land crabs usually live in burrows, coming out during the rainy season when their tunnels flood.


Flying Green

Is your last name Green? If it is, you could get a free flight on Frontier Airlines next week! The airline is striving to be eco-friendly, and is celebrating Green Week beginning August 13th. Travelers with the Green surname will get up to $400 back, which could be enough for a free ticket!


Firefighters to the Rescue

A raccoon in Massachusetts needed a helping hand this week. In fact, it took 16 hands to rescue the little guy, who had gotten his head stuck in a sewer grate. Firefighters and an animal rescue team worked for 2 hours to free the raccoon! He’s recovering at a rehabilitation center before returning to the wild.


Melon Mania

A bunch of people in Mississippi, broke a world record by eating watermelon together. At the 50th Watermelon Carnival, 754 people ate watermelon at the same time, smashing the previous record of 259 people. I wonder how many seeds they all spit out!


But How Does It Taste?

Wouldn’t it be great, to make food out of thin air? A Finnish company has nearly succeeded in doing just that! Solar Foods can make a protein powder using only CO2, water, vitamins, and renewable electricity. The technology was developed by NASA. Solein powder looks and tastes like wheat flour. Yummy.


Dollar Tree, Here I Come

Did you know, George Washington’s face wasn’t always on the 1 dollar bill? When the first U.S. dollar system was printed in 1862, the Secretary of Treasury, Salman P Chase, was on it. Celebrate Dollar Day by going to the Dollar Tree, where every item is a dollar! You can still buy a lot with 100 pennies!


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