K is for Kindergarten and Kindness

A group of kindergarteners in Florida designed a symbol for kindness, that has a heart surrounded by a circle of connected hands and arrows. The Kindness Symbol shows kindness all around, ongoing, never-ending, north/south/east/west, everywhere! It’s been adopted by some city councils. Now the kindergarteners hope it will become the National Kindness Symbol!


Trees Improve Your Health

Studies show that cities with more trees had psychologically healthier residents. Trees not only help air quality and cool air temperatures, they make people happier also! Researchers did not find the same effect with grass or other green spaces, so let your trees grow big and tall! You’ll make the animals happier too!


Hard to Open

You could say today is Wednesday, or you could say today is Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day, which is way more fun to say! It’s much more fun than opening hard sealed plastic, twisty plastic ties, and toys screwed into boxes. Sometimes it’s really hard work to get to the fun stuff inside!


Sharing the Sea With Tough Guys

Who’re the toughest dudes in the ocean? Sharks, with their 300 teeth? Electric eels, with their shocking touch? Jellyfish, with their venomous tentacles? How about the stonefish: they have switchblade cheekbones! Stonefish have lachrymal sabers, which are bones that deploy horizontally under the eyes, and fold back in after they’ve warned you to back off!



Longing for Colder Weather

Are you hot and sweaty? Let’s think back to the polar vortex, when people had fun freezing things in the extremely cold temperatures, like spaghetti frozen with a fork in mid-air, long hair frozen straight out, and a bunch of frozen blue jeans, just standing around in the snow! Do you feel cooler now?



Uncontrolled Burns

Controlled burns are fires set for farming or forest management purposes, but there’s no such thing in Australia. That’s because firehawk raptors pick up burning sticks and spread the fire to other areas! For thousands of years, Aboriginal Australians have witnessed the fire-wielding birds of prey hunt animals trying to escape the fires.


Invent Something This Month

August is Inventors Month! Who is your favorite inventor? Maybe you’re thankful Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, or that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Simple things like safety pins or paper clips also needed to be invented, and made somebody rich! Try to come up with your own invention this month!


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