Cereal on the Go

Pouring cereal in a bowl, then pouring milk in the bowl, then eating it before it gets soggy, is so tedious. Instead, you could get a CrunchCup! Two cups are combined: one for your cereal, and one for your milk. They have separate holes, so they don’t meet until they’re in your mouth!


See-Saw Down the Barriers

Architects Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello created a great way for kids to play together, even though a wall was separating them. They installed see-saws through the border fence between the United States and Mexico. Kids have fun together, no matter where they were born. It’s a good lesson to teach adults!


Respect All Your Elders

Listen up you kids! It’s Respect For Parents Day, so show your mom and dad a little more respect! After all, there are lots of people who don’t want to be parents, and they’re celebrating International Childfree Day. Let’s just agree to treat everyone with respect, because it’s the right thing to do!


Plastic Attractants

An Irish teenager is the 2019 winner of the Google Science Fair. Fionn Ferreira, from Ballydehob, won $50,000 for his new method of extracting microplastics from water. His combination of magnets and ferrofluids, made with oil and magnetic powder, can remove tiny plastic fibers from waterways and oceans. I hope to see his method used globally!


Thanks for Protecting Parks

Today is World Ranger Day. With over 100,000 parks and protected areas around the world, park rangers are essential! In nature reserves where endangered species like elephants live, park rangers put their lives on the line, to protect animals from poachers. Park rangers help preserve the parks, so everyone can enjoy them forever!


Ship Looks Freshly Sunk

Last week, scientists found a shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. It’s an almost perfectly preserved ship from the Renaissance period, around the late 15th century. The ship’s masts are still standing, and even the tender boat, used to shuttle people to and from the ship, is in place against the mast!


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