Saturn V Rocket is Coming

Almost 50 years ago, NASA was preparing to launch the Apollo 11 mission. The Saturn V rocket that carried the first astronauts to step foot on the moon, blasted off on July 16th 1969. The Washington Monument, in Washington DC, will have the 363-foot rocket projected on its side each night, from July 16th through 18th. How awesome!


Create Your Own Clerihew

Alexa the assistant,

Tried to eat a thin mint.

But since I had no hands or teeth,

The chocolate settled underneath.

Today is Clerihew Day. Write your own Clerihew poem with 4 lines. The first 2 lines rhyme, and so do the second 2. A person’s name is the first line, followed by something funny about them.


Picnic With Bees and Bears

Gather all your teddy bears and a basket of food, and head outside. It’s Teddy Bear Picnic Day! You should probably bring some honey for your bears. Speaking of honey, watch out for bees, especially since it’s Don’t Step On A Bee Day! You don’t want to squish any awesome pollinators, or get stung!


Deer Goes to the Beach

People swimming at a Lake Michigan beach last weekend, were joined by an unlikely visitor. A white-tailed deer hung out with visitors at Saugatuck State Park. The young buck frolicked in the water, searched for snacks, and even licked a girl’s leg! He just wanted to join the party!


Good For Bees AND People

Bus stops in the Netherlands will soon double as bee stops. The rooftops of hundreds of bus shelters in Utrecht, are getting covered in plants! Sedum plants will feed bees, collect water, clean dust from the air, and help cool the city. Next, the city plans to install solar panels on the bus stops.


Grow a Garden on Your Wall

The Brownsville Collaborative Middle School, in New York, started a fun project this year. They built a hydroponic farm! Students planted seeds in trays fed by water, and grow vegetables and herbs for their cafeteria. They also sell fresh produce to people in the community. Maybe your school can also start a hydroponic farm!


Milk and Sugar Cookies

When you drive by a field full of cows, do you moo at them? Today is Cow Appreciation Day. The main part of a cow’s 4-chambered stomach can hold 50 gallons of food. That’s about the same as a big bathtub! It’s also Sugar Cookie Day. Eat some milk and cookies, and thank a cow!


Stone Skipping Contest

There’s a new rock star in Mackinac Island Michigan. The 51st Annual Stone Skipping Competition took place last week. First place went to Maxwell Steiner, who threw a stone that skipped over the water 20 times. Kurt Steiner, who holds the world record of 88 skips, also competed, but he’d lost his touch that day.


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