Freedom and the Right to Vote

Today is Frederick Douglass Day. Douglass was an African-American abolitionist, orator, writer, newspaper publisher, and statesman. He escaped from slavery in 18 38, and began giving lectures and writing autobiographies, becoming the most photographed person of the century. He fought for the abolition of slavery, and the right to vote after the Civil War.

Peace-Loving Primates

Today is World Bonobo Day. They aren’t as well-known as gorillas, chimps, and orangutans, but they are also great apes. They are matriarchal, meaning females are in charge of the troop. Bonobos are extremely smart, playful, and generous. They self-medicate by finding healing plants, laugh when tickled, and share their food, even with strangers!

The Ride with the Best View

The 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition featured an exciting new ride, invented by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. He created the first Ferris Wheel! Jake “Paco” Navarro holds a world record, for riding one for 53 hours straight. The tallest Ferris wheel ever, is in Dubai. It’s 820 feet high! Happy Ferris Wheel Day!

May I Join You for Lunch?

Today is No One Eats Alone Day. Does your cafeteria have a table where kids can go to find a lunch buddy? Suggest one, so that no one ever has to eat alone! If you’re doing virtual learning, have lunch with a friend by facetime, or put them on speakerphone.

Maybe It’s Maple

Today is Cream-Filled Chocolates Day. Since you might get a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect time to figure out the secret to what’s inside, before you bite into them. Some boxes have a map, to find your favorites. Many candy makers use a specific swirl on top, for each flavor.

Feel the Love

Happy Valentine’s Day! Saint Valentine was a priest put to death in the third century, but legends vary as to the reason why. His feast day evolved into a celebration of love in the Middle Ages. The best reason to celebrate today is to show appreciation to people in your life. And to eat chocolate!

What’s Your Favorite Radio Station?

Today is World Radio Day. Before TV, families used to listen to radio shows together. It’s great for new music. But radio is important for more than entertainment. In 1946, United Nations Radio was established to help connect the world. Radio still reaches parts of the world, that don’t have internet service or television signals.

Let’s Let Him Play Through

Have you ever played frisbee golf? You have to fly a frisbee into 18 baskets scattered around a course, with as few throws as possible. Jonathan Wolfrath set a world record for the fastest round of disc golf, completing 18 holes in 4 minutes and 58 seconds. I wonder if he got any holes-in-one.

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