Poop With a Purpose

Would you want to live in a house made of poop? It might sound gross, but Australian scientists have devised a way, to turn the biosolids form wastewater treatment plants, into bricks! The sterilized poo-bricks take less energy to make, and keep houses cooler than clay bricks. They’d also keeps biosolids out of landfills!


Bees Go to Math Class

Researchers in Australia and France, have found that honeybees can solve simple math problems. They just have to attend a few math classes first! Bees were taught to add or subtract, based on different colored shapes, then rewarded with sugar-water when they answered correctly. I wonder if they’ll learn fractions next!


Don’t Forget Your Umbrella

Today we celebrate Umbrella Day. The umbrella, or bumbershoot, has been around for over 4000 years, but the Chinese were the first, to waterproof paper parasols. Folding umbrellas didn’t show up until 1969. There’s an umbrella shop in London, called James Smith and Sons, that opened in 1830! After 189 years, they must be umbrella experts!


Put All the Mosquitoes on a Diet

Female mosquitoes have big appetites. They need the proteins in blood, to produce eggs. Researchers decided to see if giving mosquitoes appetite suppressants, would make a difference. They reacted as if they’d just had a meal, and didn’t bite anyone. Basically, they gave mosquitoes diet pills, and it actually worked! No idea’s too crazy!


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