Invasion of the Peeps

It might be the dead of winter right now, but you can dream of spring at breakfast time. Just buy some Peeps cereal at the store! The marshmallow bunnies and chicks are now a marshmallow-flavored cereal, with marshmallows. You can also get Peeps-flavored coffee creamer. I wonder if it turns your coffee pink.


Hand and Foot Day

How big are your feet? You might know what size you wear, but I bet you don’t know how many centimeters long they are! Today is Measure Your Feet Day, so find the square footage of your foot! It’s also Handwriting Day. Try to write everything by hand today instead of typing it!


Love Those Lunches of Love

Liam Hannon started the Liam’s Lunches of Love organization last year, to hand out meals to homeless people in Cambridge Massachusetts. The 12 year-old has already given out over 200 lunches, with a handwritten message on each bag. His goal is to purchase a food truck, so he can also give out lunches across Boston.


Do You Speak Cat?

Meow-meowey meow-meow-meow. I think that means, “No, you can’t use my beanbag as a litter box just because it’s softer.” Today is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day, so when your cat meows at you, answer back! It’s also Hot Sauce Day, so if your cat asks to have a taste, warn him it’s spicy!


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