Pick Some Free Tulips

If you live near San Fransisco California, go to Union Park today at 1:00. In honor of American Tulip Day, there will be 100,000 tulips on display. What’s even better is, you can pick them for free! The tulips were grown from Dutch bulbs. Over half a billion tulip bulbs are imported to America each year!


Become a Giant Cat

If you want to really freak out your cat, you can get a cat mask that looks just like him. For around $2,700, The Japanese company, Shindo, will create custom headgear from your pet’s photo, complete with fur. The incredibly realistic masks, are sure to make everyone notice you. Just don’t start eating cat food!


Get Your Stripey Socks On

"When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle 
and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle...
...they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle."

It’s National Read Across America Day, also known as Dr. Seuss Day. Read Fox in Socks, or another Seuss favorite, to celebrate his birthday!



Beatles Fan Repents

51 years ago, someone took a magazine from an Ohio library. This week, it was returned, along with $100 to cover late fees. The anonymous borrower explained in a note, that they’d stolen the magazine as a kid, and apologized. The Life Magazine featured the Beatles on the cover. That kid must have been a fan!


Caught It All On Tape

Home security cameras can be helpful when damage or theft occurs in a neighborhood. But a doorbell camera in Texas, caught an unexpected vandal at work. A video shows their neighbor’s house, getting struck by lightning! It started a fire in the attic, which was soon extinguished by the fire department. That was lucky!


Crazy Peeps Invasion

Marshmallow Peeps have already surprised us with Peeps cereal and Peeps creamer for your coffee. But you can enjoy some unusual new marshmallow flavors also! How about Root Beer Float, or Orange Sherbet? Maybe Cotton Candy, or Pancakes and Syrup? Pick your favorite crazy flavor, and satisfy your sweet tooth!



Respect All Animals

If you live on a farm, every day might include horses and pigs. The rest of us should also think about them today, because it’s Horse Protection Day and Pig Day. Charlotte’s Web, and Black Beauty, are great books to read, to learn how to treat pigs and horses, with respect and kindness.


You’re the Best Mommy

I like your necklace! You’re a great soccer player! This dinner is delicious! It’s World Compliment Day, so make some people smile by telling them nice things! It’s also the Day Of Unplugging, so turn off your phones, TVs and tablets, and pay your compliments in person! Oh wait, now you’ll unplug me! Goodbye!


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