That Baby Gets Around

When Cindy Lim and Tristan Years started traveling around the United States with their new baby, they decided to try to break a world record. 5 month-old Harper Yeats will be the youngest person to visit all 50 states! Harper’s Instagram page features her in front of each state’s welcome sign. Only one state to go!


Give Your Brain a Work-Out

Today is Train Your Brain Day. It needs exercise, so try doing crossword puzzles, or playing chess. Luckily, it’s National Chess Day. Learn how to play this classic game, and you’ll soon be saying, “Checkmate!” It’s I Love Yarn Day too. Create something yarnie and colorful, or play with a yarn-ball like a kitten!


Corgi Cuteness Overload

Last Sunday in Washington DC, you may have been bombarded by cuteness if you came across the Million Corg March! They didn’t quite get a million marchers, but there were definitely hundreds of adorable short-legged corgis wandering around! Many were dressed in costumes, from coffee cups to crowns, but dogs and people all had fun!


Frustrated Farmers

It’s Old Farmer’s Day, and a perfect way to celebrate is to find a local small farm and pick a pumpkin! Do you have a vegetable garden? You’re a farmer too! It’s also Moment of Frustration Day. How do you cope when you’re frustrated? Try eating a cookie like Cookie Monster!


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