Nature is Good for You

The doctors on Scotland’s Shetland Islands, are recommending a new treatment to improve patients’ blood pressure, mental health, and happiness. The program is called Nature Prescriptions, and it’s designed to get people outside to enjoy nature. Relaxing outdoors has tremendous health benefits, so get out and explore under some rocks or crunch through leaves!


Flight of a Lifetime

When Vikas Jyani finally became a pilot, he celebrated his accomplishment by taking his elders flying! All the people in his village in India, between the ages of 70 and 90, got a chance to fly with Jyani from New Delhi to Amritsar. For many of the 22 passengers, it was their first time on a plane!


Things are Mighty Curious

Today is Moldy Cheese Day! Don’t say “Yuck!” Many cheeses, like Stilton and Gorgonzola, are supposed to have mold. Today is also Curious Events Day. Celebrate all the strange things in the world, like how it’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open, and the fact that mold makes some cheese taste delicious!


Space Farm Supplies

Scientists want to prepare for the possibility of settlers living on Mars, so they created imitation Martian dirt. They enrich the soil with minerals found in different areas of the planet. The dirt is sold for $10 a pound, so anyone can try to develop Martian farming techniques. Moon and asteroid dirt is coming next!


Not It!

Today is World Octopus Day! Octopuses have 3 hearts, and 8 arms, not tentacles. Tentacles only have suckers at the tips. Octopuses are extremely intelligent, masters of camouflage, and escape artists! Today is also American Touch Tag Day. An octopus would be great at water tag! My favorite version is freeze tag. Tag, you’re it!


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