Leave the Krill Alone!

Krill are tiny crustaceans that are essential to the ocean’s food chain. They eat algae that produces greenhouse gas, and they’re eaten by animals such as whales, penguins, and seals. In a positive step to protect the Antarctic ecosystem, the Association of Responsible Krill harvesting has agreed to stop fishing around Antarctica. It’s a start!


Hi Pluto! Bye Pluto!

The major planets in our solar system orbit the sun on the same plane, called an ecliptic. That means all their orbits line up. But the dwarf planet Pluto, orbits on a different plane, at an angle. For the first time since 1931, Pluto’s orbit lined up with the other planets! It’ll happen next in 2179.


Elon Musk to the Rescue

Elon Musk is best known for sending reuseable rockets to space, inventing the Tesla automobile, and developing hyperspeed underground trains. But he’s also using his innovative ideas to help communities in need. He provided solar batteries to Puerto Rico, and has pledged to replace any water pipes in Flint Michigan still contaminated with lead.


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