A Beautiful Day for Peanut Butter

“You’re looking especially creamy today Ms. Peanut Butter.”
“Why thank you! You sound crunchy Mr. Peanut Butter! And Lil’ Peanut, your jar is so shiny!”
“Aw shucks Mama, you guys are the best parents in the world!”
It’s National Peanut Butter Day and National Compliment Day. Eat peanut butter and say nice things to everyone!


Teeny Tiny Fidget Spinner Created

The MinebeaMitsumi company in Japan has created the world’s smallest fidget spinner. At only 5 mm long, it’s perfect for your hamster! They made it using their world’s smallest ball bearings. Imagine dropping that spinner and looking for the pieces! They also created the longest spinning fidget spinner. One spin lasted over 24 minutes!


Sign Here for Pie

Today is National Pie Day and National Handwriting Day. Let’s see… Quiche for breakfast, lemon meringue pie, vegetable pot pie for lunch, apple pie, shepherd’s pie for dinner, chocolate creme pie. That’s my menu planned for the day! Copy your favorite pie recipe in your best handwriting to save forever!


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