Chameleons’ Bones Glow

Chameleons change their skin color to match their surroundings. Scientists recently discovered even their bones get into the act! Bones glow under fluorescent light, but chameleons’ bones fluoresce through their skin. The bones display patterns, especially on the head and face. It may let chameleons communicate without breaking cover and attracting predators.


Butter Your Bootlegged Rum Today

No celebrating for you today kids! It’s National Buttered Rum Day and National Bootlegger’s Day. The term “bootlegger” was first used around 1880 when traders concealed liquor flasks in their boot tops. During Prohibition, when all alcohol was outlawed, bootleggers were the smugglers who imported alcohol or distillers who made their own illegally.


The Other Shoe Dropped

Speaking of boots, a giant boot mysteriously reappeared outside the L L Bean store in Maine! Decades ago, the 16-foot tall duck boot was stolen. The company’s famous return policy paid off: they accept returns any time, any condition, no questions asked! The size 120,000 pair of boots was joyfully reunited.


Underwater Volcano Erupts

A curious passenger flying home to New Zealand noticed a mass floating in the ocean and sent photos to scientists. They identified it as a huge raft of pumice spewed out of the Havre Seamount. When volcanoes erupt underwater, they often go unnoticed. This massive eruption happened in 2012 and everyone missed it!


Let That Sneeze Out!

Sneezes are powerful, moving at up to 10 miles per hour. A man trying to stifle a sneeze clamped his mouth and nose shut, causing pressure to build up 38 times greater than normal. It was like punching himself in the throat and it ruptured his pharynx! If you have to sneeze, just let it out!


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