Pick Your Own Day

Today is National Nothing Day. Someone got fed up with National Days and wanted one day where you didn’t have to celebrate anything. Too bad it’s also National Fig Newton Day, National Religious Freedom Day, and National Without a Scalpel Day. Even if you do nothing, you’ll be celebrating at least one cause today!


New Little Lemur Discovered

Madagascar is the native home to all of around 100 lemur species, including the newest addition. The Grove’s dwarf lemur was discovered in Ranomafana and Andringitra National Parks. With opposable thumbs, giant eyes, a 6 inch body and 11 inch tail, the tiny primate leaps around the rainforest canopy picking fruit and looking cute!


It’s Not THAT Cold Out

Record-breaking cold temperatures have been common this winter. But what’s the coldest temperature possible? Absolute zero, when every skerrick of heat energy has been sucked out, is -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. Absolute hot, the highest possible temperature, is 2.556 trigintillion degrees Fahrenheit: 2556 followed by 30 zeroes. Our sun’s core is only 18 million degrees!


New Technology for Kids

Companies know kids are tech-savvy and they are developing technology geared toward creative minds and small heads. Kano will be releasing a kit for children to build a digital camera and then program it! Meanwhile, Merge will sell a virtual reality headset that fits smaller heads with the lenses spaced closer together.


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