Singing for Those Without Voices

Buskers are musicians playing on the street for money. One busker, William Boyajian, noticed many homeless people while he played his guitar, in the New York subway tunnels. He put a sign on his case, offering the money to any homeless who needed it. Then he started the charity, Helpful Cases, and other buskers also participate!


Feel The Force

May the Fourth be with you! I mean Force. May fourth is Star Wars Day! Star Wars movies are set in space a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. It’s actually National Space Day also, so you can celebrate all things outer spacey. Have an out-of-this-world day!


Zoo Baby Boom In L.A.

The Los Angeles Zoo in California has many new baby animals to visit! There are 2 Chacoan Peccary piglets, that look like hairy pigs; 2 Sichuan takin calves, that are like goat-antelopes; 2 ocelot kittens, which are spotted wildcats; an Eastern bongo calf, which is a striped antelope; and 7 Peninsular pronghorn fawns, which resemble deer. What a baby boom!


Remember Your Dreams

Do you ever wake up in the middle of a dream and forget what it was about? Scientists have discovered that taking a B6 vitamin before bed helped people remember their dreams. B6 is found in foods like whole grain cereals, bananas, spinach, avocados, legumes and potatoes. See if your dinner helps you remember your dream!


Um, Your Shoes Don’t Match…

Today’s going to be fun! It’s Two Different Colored Shoes Day! Walk proudly in your mismatched shoes. No need to be normal; it’s Paranormal Day! Celebrate the strange things that can’t be explained by science by watching Ghostbusters or Harry Potter. Then relax in the garden, because it’s National Garden Meditation Day.


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