Ivory Banned in China

The sale of ivory has been banned in China! Most ivory is obtained from elephant tusks. Elephants are an endangered species because of poaching and habitat loss. Nearly 30,000 elephants a year were killed illegally for their tusks, so conservationists are excited that China has taken this big step to help protect them.


Look Out for Falling Iguanas

In Florida, unusual cold weather has been causing iguanas to fall from the sky. The large cold-blooded lizards have been falling from their perches in trees because they become immobile at low temperatures. They generally recover once they thaw out, so if you find frozen iguanas, move them to a sunny outdoor location.


It’s Colder Than Antarctica!

In much of the world today, it’s colder than Antarctica! Of course, maybe that’s not as impressive when you realize it’s summer there, with nearly 24 hours of daylight. The highest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was a mild 63 degrees Fahrenheit. Antarctica’s lowest temperature was 135.8 degrees below 0, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth!


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