Beware of Fake Rumors

Sometimes even when you see it, you can’t believe it. Software exists that uses multiple photos of people to create realistic videos of them saying things they never said. Unfortunately, these convincing videos, called deepfakes, are already beginning to show up. If you see a photo or video that seems unbelievable, research it before you accept it as true!


Become a Poop Donor!

Most people know you can get a kidney transplant. But have you heard of poop transplants? Gut bacteria affect more than just your digestion. The microorganisms living in your digestive system also affect your immune system, metabolism, and even your brain! Adding someone else’s healthy gut microbiota can be an effective medical treatment!


Can I Have a Pet Enzyme?

Enzymes are substances in plants and animals that speed up biochemical reactions. Japanese scientists had found one enzyme that could digest plastic. While studying that, scientists accidentally created a super-enzyme that can eat plastic in only a few days! They are working on ways to use this exciting discovery to save our planet from plastic trash!


Don’t Mess With Me!

Who are the tough guys of the water? Sharks, with their 300 teeth? Electric eels, with their shocking touch? Jellyfish, with their venomous tentacles? How about the stonefish: they have switchblade cheekbones! Stonefish have lachrymal sabers, which are bones that deploy horizontally under the eyes, and fold back in after they’ve warned you to back off!


Haikus are Fun to Write!

Look at that cute bat! It’s eating all the cheeseballs! Blah blah blah blah blah. That’s my haiku poem. It has 3 lines with 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Its’s National Haiku Poetry Day, Cheeseball Day, Bat Appreciation Day, Blah Blah Blah Day, Kickball Day, and Ford Mustang Day. Write your own haiku poem about today!


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